


I have a lot of to-dos. Among them the preparation for the test in November and the trip to London next month are the two biggest prorities. With regard to the test preparation, I began to consider reasons for each topic that is on the test book and on the past exams.

According to many people passing the exam, they say the same kind of experiences that they had gradully understood how they should respond various topics. These stories are quite convincing, but I still haven't reached the standard.  That said, recently I might see a road to the goal and find the direction where to go.

One exapmle is word per minitue, or WPM, which is how many words you can say in a mitute. The ideal amout of WPN is said about 120 to 140, and you need to speak 240 to 280 words in two mitniues that are duration of the speech in the test. My current WPM is around 70, which is far away from the ideal.

To reduce the gap between the current situation and the ideal, all I need is practice. Besides, making speech needs what I should say. That's why I started to come up with the ideas for each topic. Anyway, I do everything I can to overcome this challenge.

(17min, 1153words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation



  1. "a lot of to-dos": "to-dos" という表現はやや不自然です。"tasks" や "things to do" の方が自然です。
  2. "the preparation for the test in November and the trip to London next month": "the preparation" の後に "for the test in November" が続くとやや冗長です。"test preparation" の方がすっきりします。また、"the trip to London" に "next month" を挿入する位置がやや不自然です。"and next month's trip to London" の方が流れが良いです。
  3. "they say the same kind of experiences": "the same kind of experiences" という表現は意味が曖昧です。"from their experiences" などの具体的な表現にするべきです。
  4. "they had gradually understood how they should respond various topics": "respond" は他動詞で、「to」が必要です。また、"how they should respond to various topics" の構造が不自然です。"gradually learned how to respond to various topics" の方が自然です。
  5. "These stories are quite convincing": "stories" は文脈に合わないので、"accounts" や "insights" の方が適切です。
  6. "I might see a road to the goal and find the direction where to go": "I might see" は確信の欠如を表すため、"I think I'm starting to see" の方が良いです。"find the direction where to go" も冗長で、"find the right direction" の方がすっきりします。
  7. "The ideal amount of WPN is said about 120 to 140": "amount of WPN" は文法的に誤りです。"WPM" が正しく、"ideal rate of WPM" や "ideal WPM rate" が自然です。"is said about" も "is said to be" にする必要があります。
  8. "the duration of the speech in the test": "that are duration" は誤りで、"which is the duration" とするべきです。
  9. "all I need is practice": この文自体は間違いではありませんが、"what I need is practice" の方が一般的で、文のリズムが良いです。
  10. "making speech needs what I should say": "making speech" は誤りです。"giving a speech" や "making a speech" とする必要があります。また、"needs what I should say" は不自然で、"requires having something to say" の方が自然です。


I have a lot of tasks to do. Among them, test preparation for November and next month's trip to London are my two biggest priorities. Regarding the test, I've started thinking about reasons for each topic in the test book and on past exams.

According to many people who have passed the exam, they gradually learned how to respond to various topics based on their experiences. These insights are quite convincing, but I still haven't reached that level yet. That said, I think I'm starting to see a path toward my goal and the right direction to take.

One example is words per minute (WPM), which refers to how many words you can say in a minute. The ideal WPM rate is said to be around 120 to 140, meaning you need to speak 240 to 280 words in the two-minute speech portion of the test. My current WPM is about 70, which is far from ideal.

To close the gap between my current situation and the ideal, what I need is practice. In addition, giving a speech requires having something to say, so I've begun coming up with ideas for each topic. Anyway, I'm doing everything I can to overcome this challenge




Rather Than the Governor

Recently, Motohiko Saito, the governor of Hyogo prefecture, has been reported on many articles as his unnecessary strong attitudes toward his subordinates, some of whom committed suisides because of the governor. Many citizens have been sick of his infamous way of governing. As a citizen of this prefecture, I'm wondering what's goning on and who will run for the possible next election.

According to my memory, Govenor Saito was elected in 2021 when the COVID-19 pandemic still had a great effect on everyday lives. The goverment had asked people not to go out as long as people had no clear objects. And through the media, it was Yasutoshi Nishimura, a lawmaker and the minister of the COVID-19 at that time, that made announcements of these kind of wishes almost evey day.

What I was surpried at was Nishimura came to Kobe to cheer Saito during the election campian. Who on earth claimed that people should not go out if you don't need very much? Was it justified that you came all the way to make an election speech? I was wondering why Nishimura didn't use online tools even though he had recommended them to people quite ofen.  What he said and what he did was completely far away!!

Therefore, personally I don't care whether Governor Saito would resign or not. Rather it is Nishimura who I want to blame because he rooted for Saito.

(17words, 1346words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation

私が驚いたのは、選挙期間中に西村氏が斉藤知事を応援するために神戸に来たことだ。一体誰が、よほどのことがない限り外出を控えるべきだと主張しているのか?わざわざ選挙演説に来たのは正当なことだったのか? ネットツールを何度も勧めていたのに、なぜ西村氏は使わないのかと不思議に思っていた。 言っていることとやっていることがかけ離れている!!


  1. "has been reported on many articles" → "has been reported in many articles"
    • on ではなく in が適切です。記事の中で報道される場合は in を使います。
  2. "unnecessary strong attitudes" → "unnecessarily strong attitudes"
    • "unnecessary" は形容詞なので、「不必要に」という意味では副詞 "unnecessarily" が必要です。
  3. "some of whom committed suicides" → "some of whom committed suicide"
    • "suicide" は数えられない名詞なので複数形にはなりません。
  4. "sick of his infamous way of governing" → "sick of his infamous governing style"
    • "way of governing" も意味は通じますが、"governing style" の方が自然です。
  5. "had no clear objects" → "had no clear reason"
    • "objects" は物や目標の意味で使われ、ここでは「理由」が適切なので "reason" が良いです。
  6. "these kind of wishes" → "these kinds of requests"
    • "kind of" の場合は「これらの種類」という意味なので複数形にします。また、"requests" の方が「お願い」や「要請」に適切です。
  7. "Who on earth claimed that people should not go out if you don't need very much?" → "Who on earth claimed that people should not go out if they didn’t need to?"
    • "you don't need very much" は意味が曖昧で、"if they didn’t need to" の方が自然です。
  8. "What he said and what he did was completely far away!!" → "What he said and what he did were completely at odds!"
    • "was" は主語が複数なので "were" が正しいです。"far away" は距離的な意味に使われるため、"at odds"(矛盾している)がより適切です。
  9. "it is Nishimura who I want to blame" → "it is Nishimura whom I want to blame"
    • 目的格として "who" ではなく "whom" が適切です。


Recently, Motohiko Saito, the governor of Hyogo Prefecture, has been reported in many articles for his unnecessarily strong attitudes toward his subordinates, some of whom committed suicide because of the governor. Many citizens have grown sick of his infamous governing style. As a resident of this prefecture, I'm wondering what's going on and who will run in the possible next election.

If I remember correctly, Governor Saito was elected in 2021 when the COVID-19 pandemic still had a significant impact on everyday life. The government had asked people not to go out unless they had a clear reason. Through the media, it was Yasutoshi Nishimura, a lawmaker and the minister overseeing the COVID-19 response at that time, who made these kinds of requests almost every day.

What surprised me was that Nishimura came to Kobe to support Saito during the election campaign. Who on earth was claiming that people should not go out unless absolutely necessary? Was it justified for him to come all the way to make an election speech? I was wondering why Nishimura didn't use online tools, even though he had recommended them to people so often. His words and actions were completely at odds!

Therefore, personally, I don't care whether Governor Saito resigns or not. Rather, it is Nishimura whom I want to blame because he supported Saito.





A Matter of Battery

Battery is a song by Metallica and the first track of their third album "Master of Puppets". It is also one of their symbolic songs that almost all audience sing together during the live performance.

Today, what I'd like to talk about is not Metallica's song but the battery of my smartphone. Many people have worried about the weakness of smartphones as this device has become so essential for our lives that we often use it for all day. Once the battery of a smartphone gets weaker, people need to carry a portable battery, which is quite incovenient.

My current iPhone will be four years in December. Needless to say, this battery loses its power so quickly that I need to recharge quite often. Considering the pattern of my daily activity, I think it's no problem that I still keep using the current device. That said, when I plan the trip to London next month, I feel I should take measures somehow because the body check of the venue outside Japan is much stricter that that in Japan. This means that bringing as less as possible to the venue is the best way.

In that meaming, I was considering the renewal of the battery, and went to the store near my house, resulting in undone because the repair service has stopped in this August. Therefore I need to have another plan. For your information, battery has another meaning that represents some firm relationships just like a pitcher and a catcher in basaball.  I must confess that I'm concering another aspect of battery as well.

(25min, 1491words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation

BatteryはMetallicaの曲で、彼らの3枚目のアルバム「Master of Puppets」の1曲目です。ライブ中、観客のほとんどが一緒に歌う彼らの象徴的な曲でもあります。


  1. "It is also one of their symbolic songs that almost all audience sing together"

    • 誤: "almost all audience"
    • 修正: "almost the entire audience"
    • "Audience" は集合名詞で、"all" ではなく "the entire" を使う方が自然です。
  2. "Many people have worried about the weakness of smartphones"

    • 誤: "the weakness of smartphones"
    • 修正: "the battery life of smartphones"
    • "Weakness" だと抽象的すぎるため、具体的に「バッテリーの持ち」を指す "battery life" が適切です。
  3. "Once the battery of a smartphone gets weaker"

    • 誤: "gets weaker"
    • 修正: "starts to degrade"
    • バッテリーの劣化を表すには "degrade" の方がより適切です。
  4. "My current iPhone will be four years in December"

    • 誤: "will be four years"
    • 修正: "will be four years old in December"
    • 年数を表す時は「年齢」を強調する表現 "years old" が自然です。
  5. "This battery loses its power so quickly"

    • 誤: "loses its power"
    • 修正: "loses charge"
    • スマホのバッテリーに関して「電力を失う」は、"lose charge" の方が一般的です。
  6. "Considering the pattern of my daily activity"

    • 誤: "pattern of my daily activity"
    • 修正: "my daily routine"
    • "Daily routine" の方が自然です。
  7. "I feel I should take measures somehow"

    • 誤: "somehow"
    • 修正: "soon"
    • 「何らかの対策を取る」の "somehow" はこの文脈では少し不自然で、"soon" の方がより具体的な緊急性を表せます。
  8. "The body check of the venue outside Japan is much stricter that that in Japan"

    • 誤: "that that"
    • 修正: "than in Japan"
    • "than that in Japan" よりも "than in Japan" と短縮する方が自然です。
  9. "Bringing as less as possible to the venue is the best way"

    • 誤: "as less as possible"
    • 修正: "as little as possible"
    • 不可算名詞 "little" を使うのが正しいです。
  10. "Resulting in undone"

    • 誤: "resulting in undone"
    • 修正: "ended up unresolved"
    • "Undone" は「未解決」という意味では少し不自然なので、"unresolved" の方が適切です。
  11. "I must confess that I'm concerning another aspect"

    • 誤: "I'm concerning"
    • 修正: "I'm concerned about"
    • "Concerning" は他動詞ですが、ここでは受動的な表現の "I'm concerned about" が適切です。


"Battery" is a song by Metallica and the first track on their third album, Master of Puppets. It is also one of their iconic songs, with almost the entire audience singing along during live performances.
Today, however, I’m not here to talk about Metallica’s song, but rather about the battery in my smartphone. As smartphones have become essential to our daily lives, many people have become concerned about battery life, especially since we tend to use our devices all day long. Once a smartphone battery starts to degrade, it becomes necessary to carry a portable charger, which is quite inconvenient.
My current iPhone will be four years old in December. Needless to say, its battery loses charge so quickly that I have to recharge it frequently. Considering my daily routine, I think it's manageable to keep using this phone. That said, with my upcoming trip to London next month, I feel I should take some action soon, as security checks at venues outside Japan tend to be stricter than those in Japan. This means it’s best to bring as little as possible to the venue.
With this in mind, I was considering getting the battery replaced and went to a store near my house. Unfortunately, the repair service had been discontinued as of August, so I need to come up with another plan.
Incidentally, the word "battery" also has another meaning, referring to the close relationship between a pitcher and a catcher in baseball. I must confess that I’m concerned about this other type of "battery" as well.




California Rice

Recently Japan has faced shortage of rice due to the last year's bad weather. Some articles point out that the high-record temperature last year has caused rice defciecies these days. Some environmentalists bring the threat of global warming and urge to take various countermeasures.

These explanations are at some degree reasonable becauae it is true that the rice stock in a supermarket around my house has been much shorter than normal. Besides the price of rice has become much higher that before, which is quite negative for many households.

That said, the consumption of rice has been in decline in the long term, and many like to eat more bread than rice. Additionally, many rice farmers stopped producting rice due to fewer demands. In this way, this rice shortage needs to be seen in the shift of the stucture of food consumption and produce.

By the way, yesterday I bought rice which was produced in California. I'm just curious how it will taste. For your information, Dizzy Mizz Lizzy has a song called "California Rain", which has a similar resonate with California rice.

(19min, 1087words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation


Corrections and Feedback

  1. Vocabulary and Phrasing Issues:

    • “faced shortage of rice” → “faced a rice shortage”
    • “high-record temperature” → “record-high temperatures”
    • “rice deficiencies these days” → “rice shortages recently”
    • “bring the threat of global warming” → “highlight the threat of global warming”
    • “urge to take various countermeasures” → “urge taking various countermeasures”
    • “at some degree reasonable” → “reasonable to some degree”
    • “rice stock in a supermarket around my house has been much shorter” → “the rice stock at supermarkets near my house has been much lower”
    • “the price of rice has become much higher that before” → “the price of rice has increased significantly compared to before”
    • “quite negative” → “quite burdensome”
    • “in decline in the long term” → “in long-term decline”
    • “fewer demands” → “lower demand”
    • “this rice shortage needs to be seen in the shift of the structure of food consumption and produce.” → “this rice shortage should be viewed in the context of shifts in food consumption and production.”
    • “which has a similar resonate with California rice” → “which somehow resonates with the idea of California rice.”
  2. Grammar Issues:

    • “the last year’s bad weather” → “last year’s bad weather” (remove “the”)
    • “urge to take” → “urge taking” (incorrect verb pattern)
    • “Besides the price of rice has become much higher” → “Besides, the price of rice has become much higher” (missing comma after “besides”)
    • “negative for many households” → “burdensome for many households” (more natural expression)
    • “rice which was produced in California” → “rice that was produced in California” (prefer “that” for defining clauses)


Recently, Japan has faced a rice shortage due to last year’s bad weather. Some articles point out that the record-high temperatures from last year have caused the current rice shortages. Environmentalists are highlighting the threat of global warming and are urging the implementation of various countermeasures.

These explanations are reasonable to some degree, as it's true that the rice stock at supermarkets near my house has been much lower than usual. Additionally, the price of rice has increased significantly compared to before, which is quite burdensome for many households.

However, rice consumption has been in long-term decline, with many people preferring bread over rice. Moreover, many rice farmers have stopped producing rice due to lower demand. Therefore, this rice shortage should be seen in the context of shifts in food consumption and production structures.

By the way, yesterday I bought some rice produced in California. I’m curious about how it will taste. Incidentally, Dizzy Mizz Lizzy has a song called "California Rain," which somehow resonates with the idea of California rice.




1. 頻出フレーズのストックを増やす

  • 英語には、頻繁に使われるフレーズや言い回しがあります。たとえば「face a shortage」のように、「a」という冠詞が自然に入ることで違和感がなくなります。このようなフレーズをストックしていくことで、文法的に正しい表現を使う感覚が身につきます。
  • 具体的な方法: 英語の記事やニュースを読む際、よく目にするフレーズをメモする習慣をつけましょう。また、英語の例文集やニュースアプリの使用も効果的です。特に、表現の違和感を感じた部分について調べて確認すると記憶に残りやすいです。

2. コロケーション(連語)の学習

  • コロケーションとは、自然な単語の組み合わせのことです。たとえば「make a decision」や「take action」など、英語では特定の単語同士がよく一緒に使われます。これを意識して学習することで、自然な表現が身についてきます。
  • 具体的な方法: コロケーション辞典(Oxford Collocations Dictionaryなど)を活用する、またはオンラインのコロケーション学習サイトを使用することをおすすめします。また、例文を音読して感覚を体に染み込ませるのも有効です。

3. ネイティブの文章を模倣する

  • ネイティブスピーカーがどのように表現しているのかを観察し、模倣することが効果的です。ニュース記事、エッセイ、ブログなどから、自然な表現や構造を学びましょう。
  • 具体的な方法: ネイティブの英語表現をそのまま真似て、ライティングに取り入れる練習をします。また、ニュースサイトの英語記事を読んで「この表現は使えそうだな」と思う部分をピックアップし、自分の文章で試してみるのも良い方法です。

4. フィードバックをもとにした反復練習

  • フィードバックをもらったミスや指摘を何度も練習し、実際に使ってみることで自分のものにしていきます。間違いや指摘を一つひとつ「覚える」のではなく、「繰り返し使う」ことで自然に正しい表現を身につけます。
  • 具体的な方法: 指摘されたミスや新しい表現について、別の文脈でもう一度使ってみる練習をすると効果的です。例えば日記に同じテーマで書いてみる、フィードバックをもらった文章を見直し、他の場面でも応用する練習を行うなど。

5. 書きながらチェックする癖をつける

  • 書いた後に自分で見直しをし、自然な表現かどうかを再確認する癖をつけると、ミスを減らすことができます。「この表現ってネイティブも使うかな?」と疑問に思ったら、一度調べてみるのも良い習慣です。
  • 具体的な方法: 書いた後に、Google検索でその表現を検索してネイティブの使用例があるか確認する、あるいはオンラインの英語チェックツール(Grammarlyなど)を活用してみるのも有効です。



The National Treasure of Denmark

I went to a concert in Osaka last night, and what I saw was Tim Chiristensen, who is a singer and guitarist of Dizzy Mizz Lizzy(DML). This time he performed as a solo artist along with the 20th anniverssary of his 2nd album "Honeyburst".

This was my second time to see his solo concert, I saw the DML one last year though. Unlike DML, his solo songs are more gentle, more mellow and more naiive, which are faburous and attracts many Japanese fans.

All the songs in "Honeyburst" were played in the concert and some tunes were also played. What I moved the most was the last song performed by only Tim, which was "King's Garden".  I love this song deeply because it is gentle and merodic. I had never heard this song in a concert, but finally my tiny dream came true!!

Anyway, I highly recommend his albums and songs not only as the band but also as a solo artist. He must be a national treasure of Demark.

(16min, 907words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation

昨晩大阪でコンサートに行ったのですが、そこで見たのはディジー・ミズ・リジーDML)のボーカル兼ギタリスト、ティム・クリステンセンでした。今回は2ndアルバム「Honeyburst」の20周年記念にソロとして出演しました。 昨年DMLのコンサートを観たので、今回で2回目のソロコンサートです。


コンサートでは「Honeyburst」の全曲が演奏され、いくつかの曲も演奏されました。私が一番感動したのは、ティムだけで演奏された最後の曲「King's Garden」でした。優しくてメロディアスな曲なので、この曲が大好きです。この曲をコンサートで聴いたことはなかったのですが、ついに私の小さな夢が叶いました!!




  1. "Tim Chiristensen" → "Tim Christensen"

    • スペルミスです。
  2. "who is a singer and guitarist of Dizzy Mizz Lizzy(DML)" → "who is the singer and guitarist of Dizzy Mizz Lizzy (DML)"

    • 「the」を使うことで、特定のものを示します。
  3. "along with the 25th anniversary of his 2nd album 'Honeyburst'" → "celebrating the 25th anniversary of his second album, 'Honeyburst'"

    • 「along with」だと一緒に行うニュアンスが強すぎるので、"celebrating"に変更。
  4. "This was my second time to see his solo concert" → "This was my second time seeing his solo concert"

    • 「second time to see」ではなく、「second time seeing」がより自然です。
  5. "I saw the DML one last year though." → "though I saw DML last year."

    • 「though」の位置を変更するとよりスムーズな流れになります。
  6. "Unlike DML, his solo songs are more gentle, more mellow and more naive" → "Unlike DML, his solo songs are gentler, more mellow, and more introspective"

    • "naive" はニュアンスが少し違うので、"introspective"(内省的)に変更しました。
  7. "which are fabulous and attracts many Japanese fans." → "which are fabulous and attract many Japanese fans."

    • 主語が複数形のため、「attract」に修正。
  8. "What I moved the most was the last song performed by only Tim" → "What moved me the most was the last song performed by Tim alone"

    • 「moved」には「me」が必要です。また、「by only Tim」よりも「by Tim alone」が自然です。
  9. "I love this song deeply because it is gentle and melodic." → "I deeply love this song because it is gentle and melodic."

    • 副詞「deeply」の位置を変更して、強調を自然に。
  10. "but finally my tiny dream came true!!" → "and finally, my small dream came true!"

  • 「tiny」は「small」に変更してニュアンスを調整。「but」ではなく「and」がより適切です。
  1. "He must be a national treasure of Demark." → "He must be a national treasure of Denmark."
  • 「Denmark」のスペルミスを修正。


I went to a concert in Osaka last night to see Tim Christensen, the singer and guitarist of Dizzy Mizz Lizzy (DML). This time, he performed as a solo artist, celebrating the 20th anniversary of his second album, "Honeyburst."

This was my second time seeing his solo concert, though I saw DML last year. Unlike DML, his solo songs are gentler, more mellow, and more introspective, which are fabulous and attract many Japanese fans. All the songs from "Honeyburst" were performed at the concert, along with some other tunes. What moved me the most was the last song, "King's Garden," performed by Tim alone. I deeply love this song because it is gentle and melodic. I had never heard it live before, but finally, my small dream came true!

Anyway, I highly recommend his albums and songs, both with the band and as a solo artist. He must be a national treasure of Denmark.



Timは実に良かった。場所的にもいい位置で見れたし、King's Gardenは演ってくれるし、独特な美しい世界は是非ともオススメしたい。

Shorter and Narrower

As I mentioned yesterday, I embarked on making as many reasons as posible for each topic, which found that it took more time that I imagined. I don't feel like coming to an end, but this must be necessary to achieve my goal.

What I need to do now is to change my daily routein. Some should be in shorter durations, and others need to be suspended. In other words, this is a matter of trade-offs which exist everywhere in your life. We know we have to accept this rule, but at the same time we tend to do anything we should do.

Recently I restarted a book called "Essentialism" where it states that people should accept trade-offs more deeply. I might forget the princple, so I will try to do a shorter, narrower, limited approach. As a result, this diary will be shorter one, but I don't care at all.

(13min, 804words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation



  1. "which found that it took more time that I imagined."

    • 誤り: "which found"
    • 修正: "I found"
    • 誤り: "more time that I imagined"
    • 修正: "more time than I imagined"
  2. "I don't feel like coming to an end"

    • 誤り: "feel like coming to an end"
    • 修正: "feel like I am close to the end"
  3. "Some should be in shorter duration"

    • 誤り: "in shorter duration"
    • 修正: "shorter in duration" または "shortened"
  4. "this is a matter of trade-offs which exist everywhere in your life."

    • 誤り: "your life"
    • 修正: "our lives" (全体の文脈に合わせるため)
  5. "we tend to do anything we should do."

    • 誤り: "anything we should do"
    • 修正: "everything we think we should do"
  6. "Recently I restarted a book called 'Essentialism' where it states that..."

    • 誤り: "where it states"
    • 修正: "which states" または "that states"
  7. "so I will try to do a shorter, narrower, limited approach."

    • 誤り: "do a shorter, narrower, limited approach"
    • 修正: "take a shorter, narrower, and more limited approach"
  8. "this diary will be shorter one"

    • 誤り: "shorter one"
    • 修正: "a shorter one"


As I mentioned yesterday, I started creating as many reasons as possible for each topic, and I found that it took more time than I had imagined. I don't feel like I am close to the end, but this must be necessary to achieve my goal.

What I need to do now is change my daily routine. Some tasks should be shorter in duration, and others need to be suspended. In other words, this is a matter of trade-offs, which exist everywhere in our lives. We know we have to accept this rule, but at the same time, we tend to do everything we think we should do.

Recently, I restarted reading a book called Essentialism, which states that people should accept trade-offs more deeply. I might have forgotten this principle, so I will try to take a shorter, narrower, and more limited approach. As a result, this diary will be a shorter one, but I don't care at all.





Dividing Leads to Your Way

When you tackle something you feel huge, it's one way to divide it. Suppose you eat an elphant. Probably you can't eat it with only one bite. You need to separate it into the amount you can consume. Like this, diving something into the details drives you to move forward.

Regarding with my preparation for the test, a tutor on Native Camp told me that I should try to come up with as many reasons for the topics as possible. To tell the truth, this preparation is on my list for the test, which I'm afarid I've never tried so far. As her way of explaing was so reliable, I decided to make my memo archive.

Considering the fact that I don't come up with the speech quickly, I thought this advise would be quite reasonable. Rather, I'm wondering why I haven't tried on this way so far. We can't take back our past, so what is crucial is how we should do from now on. More clearifaction of my preparation is super positive for me. So I will do it after I write this diary.

Have a nice day!! See you!!

(18min, 1002words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation



  1. "one way to divide it" → "one way is to divide it": 「それを分ける方法の一つ」ではなく「分けることが一つの方法」であるとした方が文脈的に自然です。
  2. "Suppose you eat an elephant." → "Suppose you are eating an elephant.": 条件設定の部分で、進行形の方が自然です。
  3. "separate it into the amount you can consume." → "separate it into portions you can consume.": 「ポーション(部分)」という言い方がより適切です。
  4. "diving something into the details drives you to move forward." → "dividing something into details helps you move forward.": "diving"は「潜る」という意味になるため、「分ける」を意味する"dividing"を使います。
  5. "Regarding with my preparation" → "Regarding my preparation": "regarding"の後に"with"は不要です。
  6. "come up with as many reasons for the topics" → "come up with as many reasons for each topic": "each"を加えることでより具体的になります。
  7. "to tell the truth" → "to be honest": 「正直に言うと」の意味では "to be honest" の方がより一般的です。
  8. "so reliable" → "so convincing": 説得力があるという意味では "convincing" が適切です。
  9. "I thought this advise would be quite reasonable." → "I thought this advice was quite reasonable.": "advise"は動詞、"advice"は名詞です。ここでは名詞が適切です。
  10. "I haven't tried on this way so far." → "I haven't tried this approach so far.": 「方法」という意味では"approach"が適切です。
  11. "how we should do from now on." → "what we should do from now on.": 「これから何をすべきか」という意味で"what"が自然です。
  12. "More clarification of my preparation is super positive for me." → "Clarifying my preparation is very beneficial for me.": 文全体をシンプルで自然な表現に変更しました。


When tackling something that feels overwhelming, one way is to break it down. Imagine you're eating an elephant; you probably can't finish it in one bite. You need to divide it into manageable portions. Similarly, breaking things down into smaller steps helps you move forward.

Regarding my test preparation, a tutor on Native Camp suggested that I try to come up with as many reasons as possible for each topic. To be honest, this approach has been on my to-do list for the test, but I haven't tried it yet. Her explanation was so convincing that I decided to start making a memo archive.

Considering that I struggle to come up with speech ideas quickly, I thought this advice was quite reasonable. In fact, I'm wondering why I haven't tried this approach until now. We can't change the past, so what matters most is what we do from this point onward. Clarifying my preparation process is very beneficial for me, so I'll start working on it right after writing this diary.

Have a great day! See you!





