I have a lot of to-dos. Among them the preparation for the test in November and the trip to London next month are the two biggest prorities. With regard to the test preparation, I began to consider reasons for each topic that is on the test book and on the past exams.
According to many people passing the exam, they say the same kind of experiences that they had gradully understood how they should respond various topics. These stories are quite convincing, but I still haven't reached the standard. That said, recently I might see a road to the goal and find the direction where to go.
One exapmle is word per minitue, or WPM, which is how many words you can say in a mitute. The ideal amout of WPN is said about 120 to 140, and you need to speak 240 to 280 words in two mitniues that are duration of the speech in the test. My current WPM is around 70, which is far away from the ideal.
To reduce the gap between the current situation and the ideal, all I need is practice. Besides, making speech needs what I should say. That's why I started to come up with the ideas for each topic. Anyway, I do everything I can to overcome this challenge.
(17min, 1153words)
<日本語訳>by Google Translation
- "a lot of to-dos": "to-dos" という表現はやや不自然です。"tasks" や "things to do" の方が自然です。
- "the preparation for the test in November and the trip to London next month": "the preparation" の後に "for the test in November" が続くとやや冗長です。"test preparation" の方がすっきりします。また、"the trip to London" に "next month" を挿入する位置がやや不自然です。"and next month's trip to London" の方が流れが良いです。
- "they say the same kind of experiences": "the same kind of experiences" という表現は意味が曖昧です。"from their experiences" などの具体的な表現にするべきです。
- "they had gradually understood how they should respond various topics": "respond" は他動詞で、「to」が必要です。また、"how they should respond to various topics" の構造が不自然です。"gradually learned how to respond to various topics" の方が自然です。
- "These stories are quite convincing": "stories" は文脈に合わないので、"accounts" や "insights" の方が適切です。
- "I might see a road to the goal and find the direction where to go": "I might see" は確信の欠如を表すため、"I think I'm starting to see" の方が良いです。"find the direction where to go" も冗長で、"find the right direction" の方がすっきりします。
- "The ideal amount of WPN is said about 120 to 140": "amount of WPN" は文法的に誤りです。"WPM" が正しく、"ideal rate of WPM" や "ideal WPM rate" が自然です。"is said about" も "is said to be" にする必要があります。
- "the duration of the speech in the test": "that are duration" は誤りで、"which is the duration" とするべきです。
- "all I need is practice": この文自体は間違いではありませんが、"what I need is practice" の方が一般的で、文のリズムが良いです。
- "making speech needs what I should say": "making speech" は誤りです。"giving a speech" や "making a speech" とする必要があります。また、"needs what I should say" は不自然で、"requires having something to say" の方が自然です。
I have a lot of tasks to do. Among them, test preparation for November and next month's trip to London are my two biggest priorities. Regarding the test, I've started thinking about reasons for each topic in the test book and on past exams.
According to many people who have passed the exam, they gradually learned how to respond to various topics based on their experiences. These insights are quite convincing, but I still haven't reached that level yet. That said, I think I'm starting to see a path toward my goal and the right direction to take.
One example is words per minute (WPM), which refers to how many words you can say in a minute. The ideal WPM rate is said to be around 120 to 140, meaning you need to speak 240 to 280 words in the two-minute speech portion of the test. My current WPM is about 70, which is far from ideal.
To close the gap between my current situation and the ideal, what I need is practice. In addition, giving a speech requires having something to say, so I've begun coming up with ideas for each topic. Anyway, I'm doing everything I can to overcome this challenge