

Graduation Trip We Did

Some of you may know that I travel abroad almost once a year. Then since when did I start to go abroad and what was the inception of going frequently? Today I'd like to talk about my travel anecdotes.

The first destinations were Spain and Italia in 2005 as a graduate memorial travel. I belonged to the Japanese Archery Club in my collge days, and three clubmates and I decided to go together. We discussed about where to go and the duration of the trip, resulting in the contries mentioned above. The duration was about two weeks. Here are why we thought. Firsty, we had many sightseeing spots to see there. Secondly, we thought we would have no such time to experience these long days after we started to work.

This memorial travel was so impressive in many ways that we would talk about this story again and again. One funny anecdote was that we were fed up with the classical European buildings in the last stage of the journey even though we were so excied about them in the early stage of the travel that we took pictures quite often.

Both Spain and Italia are countries that the people believe Catholic. Therefore the buildings looked similar. A huge church called Duomo is a tyipical case. We had gradully lost impressions as time went by. There are more things I can tell about overseas travels, but time has come. Maybe next time, I will continue this kind of story.

(22min, 1383words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation







  • "Then since when did I start to go abroad?"

    • "Then" is unnecessary and sounds awkward. "Since when did I start going abroad?" or "When did I start going abroad?" would be better.
  • "what was the inception of going frequently?"

    • "Inception" is not commonly used in this context. "What made me start traveling frequently?" or "How did I begin traveling frequently?" is more natural.
  • "The first destinations were Spain and Italia"

    • "Italia" should be "Italy" in English.
  • "graduate memorial travel"

    • "Graduate memorial travel" is not a standard phrase in English. "Graduation trip" or "memorable graduation trip" would be better.
  • "I belonged to the Japanese Archery Club in my college days"

    • The phrase is correct but could be slightly improved to "I was a member of the Japanese Archery Club during my college days."
  • "We discussed about where to go"

    • "Discussed about" should be "discussed where to go." The word "discuss" does not need "about."
  • "Here are why we thought."

    • This is not clear. It should be "Here are the reasons why we chose these destinations."
  • "resulting in the countries mentioned above"

    • "Resulting in us choosing the countries mentioned above" would be more clear.
  • "we thought we would have no such time"

    • "No such time" should be "no time" or "no opportunity."
  • "memorial travel"

    • Again, "memorial travel" should be "memorable trip."
  • "we were so excited about them in the early stage of the travel"

    • "Early stage of the travel" should be "early stage of the trip."
  • "countries that the people believe Catholic"

    • "Countries where the people are Catholic" or "Countries with predominantly Catholic populations" would be more natural.
  • "We had gradually lost impressions"

    • "We gradually lost our sense of wonder" or "We gradually became less impressed" would be more natural.


Some of you may know that I travel abroad almost once a year. But when did I start traveling, and what sparked this frequent travel? Today, I'd like to share some anecdotes from my travels.

My first international destinations were Spain and Italy in 2005, as part of a memorable graduation trip. I was a member of the Japanese Archery Club during my college days, and three clubmates and I decided to travel together. We discussed where to go and how long to stay, eventually settling on the countries mentioned above. The trip lasted about two weeks. Here’s why we chose these destinations: firstly, there were many sightseeing spots we wanted to visit. Secondly, we knew we wouldn’t have the time for such a long trip once we started working.

This trip was so memorable in many ways that we still talk about it. One funny anecdote is that by the end of the journey, we were fed up with classical European buildings, even though we had been so excited about them at the beginning that we were constantly taking pictures.

Both Spain and Italy are predominantly Catholic countries, so the architecture is quite similar. A huge church like the Duomo is a typical example. As time went on, our initial excitement gradually faded. There’s more to say about my travels, but I’ll save that for another time. Maybe next time, I’ll continue with more travel stories.


