

My Itinerary Is Almost Shaped

Over and over mentioned here, I need to prepare for two events which are the speeking test in November and the trip to London next month. As September is in the middle of the month, I made a trip plan yesterday.

After considering mant aspects, my trip will start on 17th of October, Thursday, and end on 22nd of October. Tuesday. I'd like to talk about why I've decided this schedule.

First, I consider the situation after I will come back to Japan. While I am in London, I don't read newspaper, which is one of my dairy routeins. Therefore I have to think about how many days the newspaer will be late, and as you can see, the fewers days I will go abroad, the more the belated newspaer I will have to read.  Moreover, I could not study as always when I'm in London.

Second, I want to stay there more days that my previous visit in London in 2015. According to my records, the departure day was Thursday and the arrival in Japan was Tuesday. However, the 2015 trip was one-day delayed due to my grave mistake. Besides, the departure time was around 22 p.m., resulting in arriving in London before the noon. I thought even though the schedule is the same with the previous trip, leaving in the morning would lead to more time in London.

In this way, my itinerary was almost completed. The next thing is to search for a hotel and to decide the exact flight. So relieved to have decided a vague schedule.

(25min, 1409words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation








  1. "Over and over mentioned here" → "As I have mentioned several times here"

    • 文全体が不自然。「over and over」は「繰り返し」という意味ですが、"mentioned"を使うと不自然です。一般的には「何度か述べたように」のような言い方が自然です。
  2. "two events which are the speaking test" → "two events: the speaking test"

    • 「which are」は不要。「events」としてすでに具体的なリストを挙げる形にするのが自然です。
  3. "September is in the middle of the month" → "As it is now mid-September"

    • 自然な言い回しの方が読みやすいです。
  4. "on 17th of October, Thursday" → "on Thursday, October 17th"

    • 日付の順序に問題があります。通常、英語では曜日→月→日という順番です。
  5. "Tuesday. I'd like to" → "Tuesday. I'd like to explain"

    • 「explain」のような具体的な動詞を使う方が自然です。
  6. "after I will come back" → "after I come back"

    • 時制の誤り。"after"の後に未来の出来事について述べる場合、未来形ではなく現在形を使います。
  7. "one of my dairy routines" → "one of my daily routines"

    • "dairy"は「乳製品」関連の意味。"daily"(日々の)が正しいです。
  8. "the fewer days I will go abroad" → "the fewer days I am abroad"

    • 時制と表現の不自然さ。未来の出来事について話す場合も現在形を使うのが普通です。
  9. "the belated newspaper I will have to read" → "the more newspapers I will have to catch up on"

    • "belated newspaper"は不自然。"catch up on"がより適切です。
  10. "more days that my previous visit" → "more days than my previous visit"

    • 比較級の構文ミス。"than"が正しいです。
  11. "around 22 p.m." → "around 10 p.m."

    • 22時は "10 p.m." と表記します。"p.m."と24時間制を併用しないようにします。
  12. "before the noon" → "before noon"

    • "the"は不要です。"noon"は定冠詞を伴わない表現です。
  13. "the schedule is the same with the previous trip" → "the schedule is the same as the previous trip"

    • "same as"が正しい表現です。
  14. "So relieved to have decided a vague schedule" → "I'm relieved to have decided on a rough schedule"

    • "So"よりも "I'm" を使う方がより自然です。"vague"は「曖昧」という意味で少しネガティブな印象があるため、"rough"(おおまかな)の方が自然です。


As I have mentioned several times here, I need to prepare for two events: the speaking test in November and my trip to London next month. Since it’s now mid-September, I made a trip plan yesterday.

After considering various factors, I’ve decided that my trip will start on Thursday, October 17th, and end on Tuesday, October 22nd. I'd like to explain why I chose this schedule.

First, I considered the situation after I return to Japan. While I’m in London, I won’t be able to read the newspaper, which is one of my daily routines. Therefore, I have to think about how many days of news I will miss. As you can imagine, the longer I’m abroad, the more newspapers I’ll have to catch up on. Moreover, I won’t be able to study as usual while I’m in London.

Second, I want to stay in London for more days than during my previous visit in 2015. According to my records, I departed on a Thursday and returned to Japan on a Tuesday. However, that trip was delayed by one day due to a serious mistake I made, and my flight left at around 10 p.m., meaning I arrived in London just before noon. I figured that even if the schedule is similar to my previous trip, leaving in the morning would give me more time in London.

With that, my itinerary is almost complete. The next step is to search for a hotel and finalize my flight. I’m relieved to have decided on a rough schedule.


文法的には時制と比較級が弱い気がする。書いてこのレベルなので、ましてや話すとなると。。。 加えて日付の書き方が分かってなかったり、意外に基礎的な部分が分かっているようで分かってないわ。
