

Prototype of Overseas Travel

It was the middle of April when I decided to visit London. The first thing I did was to purchase a guidebook. Looking through the gudebook, I imagined how fun I would be in London, and started to pick up where to visit.

However, the problem arose. When I checked the travel agency web sites that listed several package tours, they were all sold out!! By all my knowlege at that time, I thought the general way to go for a one-week travel was applying for package tours served by travel companies.  Does this mean that there's no way to go abroad?, I wondered.

Then I kept searching on various web sites, and found out that purchasing an airline ticket was still available and hotels were as well. Instead of a package tour, I booked flights to London(in fact via Beijing to London) and a hotel respectively, resulting in a typical style of my overseas trip.

Besides, when I was in London, the Royal Albert Hall was one of sightseeing spots where many concerts are held. It was just looking from the outside, but I was very impressed because "24 Night", the live album performed here by Eric Clapton, was recorded at this very place. After I went back to the hotel, I found that if I had a ticket for the venue, I could take part in the concert such as Eric Clapton or David Gilmour! As a result, this dream came true, but I'd like to share this anecdote some time later.


<日本語訳>by Google Translation


ところが、問題発生。いくつかのパッケージツアーが掲載されている旅行会社のウェブサイトをチェックすると、すべて売り切れ!! 当時の私の知識では、1週間の旅行は旅行会社のパッケージツアーに申し込むのが一般的だと思っていた。それって、海外に行く方法はないということ?と思った。


また、ロンドン滞在中は、ロイヤルアルバートホールが多くのコンサートが行われる観光スポットの1つだった。外から眺めるだけでしたが、エリック・クラプトンのライブアルバム「24 Night」がまさにこの場所で録音されたということで、とても感動しました。ホテルに戻ってから、この会場のチケットを持っていれば、エリック・クラプトンデヴィッド・ギルモアなどのコンサートに参加できることがわかりました! 結果的にこの夢が叶ったのですが、このエピソードはまた後日お話ししたいと思います。



  1. 「how fun I would be in London」

    • 誤り: "how fun I would be in London"
    • 修正: "how much fun I would have in London"
    • 理由: "fun"は「楽しい時間」の意味で、"I would be"ではなく、"I would have"が適切。
  2. 「pick up where to visit」

    • 誤り: "pick up where to visit"
    • 修正: "decide where to visit" または "choose the places to visit"
    • 理由: "pick up" は物を拾う意味が強く、ここでは「訪れる場所を決める」という意味に適した表現が必要。
  3. 「problem arose」

    • 誤り: "problem arose"
    • 修正: "a problem arose"
    • 理由: "problem"は可算名詞なので、"a"が必要。
  4. 「travel agency web sites」

    • 誤り: "travel agency web sites"
    • 修正: "travel agency websites" または "websites of travel agencies"
    • 理由: "websites" は一つの単語として扱われる。
  5. 「applying for package tours served by travel companies」

    • 誤り: "applying for package tours served by travel companies"
    • 修正: "booking package tours offered by travel companies"
    • 理由: "apply"は「申し込む」意味が強く、ここでは"book"が適切。"served by"よりも"offered by"が自然。
  6. 「Does this mean that there's no way to go abroad?」

    • 誤り: "Does this mean that there's no way to go abroad?"
    • 修正: "Does this mean there's no way to go abroad?"
    • 理由: "that"を省略しても意味は通じるが、省略しない場合も正しい。
  7. 「purchasing an airline ticket was still available」

    • 誤り: "purchasing an airline ticket was still available"
    • 修正: "airline tickets were still available"
    • 理由: "purchasing"は行動を表すため、「利用可能」なのは"tickets"。
  8. 「the Royal Albert Hall was one of sightseeing spots where many concerts are held」

    • 誤り: "one of sightseeing spots where many concerts are held"
    • 修正: "one of the sightseeing spots where many concerts are held"
    • 理由: "one of the"の後には必ず複数形と定冠詞が必要。
  9. 「It was just looking from the outside」

    • 誤り: "It was just looking from the outside"
    • 修正: "I just looked at it from the outside"
    • 理由: "It"ではなく主語が"I"であり、"looking"の代わりに"looked"が適切。
  10. 「if I had a ticket for the venue, I could take part in the concert」

    • 誤り: "if I had a ticket for the venue, I could take part in the concert"
    • 修正: "if I had had a ticket for the venue, I could have attended the concert"
    • 理由: 仮定法過去完了の形が必要。"take part in"よりも"attend"が適切。


It was in the middle of April when I decided to visit London. The first thing I did was to purchase a guidebook. As I looked through the guidebook, I imagined how much fun I would have in London and started to decide on the places I wanted to visit.

However, a problem arose. When I checked the websites of several travel agencies that listed package tours, they were all sold out! With all the knowledge I had at the time, I thought that the usual way to go on a one-week trip was to book package tours offered by travel companies. Does this mean there's no way to go abroad? I wondered.

Then I kept searching on various websites and found that airline tickets were still available, as well as hotel accommodations. Instead of a package tour, I booked flights to London (in fact, via Beijing) and a hotel separately, resulting in a typical style of my overseas trips.

While I was in London, one of the sightseeing spots I visited was the Royal Albert Hall, where many concerts are held. I only looked at it from the outside, but I was very impressed because "24 Nights," the live album performed by Eric Clapton, was recorded there. After returning to the hotel, I discovered that if I had had a ticket for the venue, I could have attended a concert by someone like Eric Clapton or David Gilmour! Although this dream did eventually come true, I would like to share that story some other time.


