

How to Study During the Trip

The trip is coming this week. I've got excited bit by bit. As I mentioned yesterday, the preparation for the trip is almost complete. Once again I'll check what to carry and where to visit. Moreover, I need to consider how to study during the trip. I'd like to explain my ideas.

First, ELSA, the app for improving the pronounciation, is easy to use even at the trip. I practice with this app for thirty minutes every day, so I will practice for the same time or less.

Second, reading aloud is also practical even when in other countries. It takes me about one hour as my everyday practice. It may be hard to do the same amount, but keeping to practice is quite crucial. I'll tackle as much as possible in London.

Finally, I'll be writing a diary in English during the trip. Now this practice has become one of my joys because writing something down is mentaly beneficial for me. However, it will be challenging to write the same amont as usual because of writing with my smartphone not my PC. It would be fun to attach a picture of the scene in London I will take there.

In conclusion, my preparation for the test won't stop even during the trip. Moreover, the flight time will be nice opportunities to reviw as it takes about 17 hours! Oh, I have to buy some sweets for the trip!

(17min, 1287words)

日本語訳>by Google Translation





結論としては、旅行中も試験の準備は止まりません。さらに、飛行時間は約 17 時間なので、復習する良い機会になります。あ、旅行用にお菓子を買わなきゃ!



  1. "I've got excited bit by bit"

    • 誤: "got excited" は文脈に適していない。文法的には問題ないが、自然な表現として「bit by bit」の位置や時制を調整した方が良い。
    • 修正案: "I've been getting more and more excited."
  2. "even at the trip"

    • 誤: "at" は前置詞として不自然。正しいのは「during the trip」。
    • 修正案: "even during the trip."
  3. "I practice with this app for thirty minutes every day, so I will practice for the same time or less."

    • 誤: "for the same time or less" よりも自然な言い回しがある。
    • 修正案: "I usually practice with this app for thirty minutes every day, so I'll try to keep it to the same time or maybe a bit less."
  4. "even when in other countries"

    • 誤: "when in" よりも自然な言い回しがある。
    • 修正案: "even while traveling abroad."
  5. "keeping to practice is quite crucial"

    • 誤: "keeping to practice" は不自然。"crucial" と "quite" の組み合わせも少し違和感がある。
    • 修正案: "It's important to keep practicing" or "It's essential to continue practicing."
  6. "I'll tackle as much as possible in London."

    • 誤: "tackle" は適切ではない。
    • 修正案: "I'll do as much as I can in London."
  7. "has become one of my joys"

    • 誤: "joys" よりも自然な言い回しがある。
    • 修正案: "has become something I enjoy" or "has become a source of joy for me."
  8. "the same amount as usual because of writing with my smartphone not my PC"

    • 誤: "because of writing with" は不自然な表現。
    • 修正案: "because I'll be writing on my smartphone instead of my PC."
  9. "It would be fun to attach a picture of the scene in London I will take there."

    • 誤: 文の流れが不自然。
    • 修正案: "It would be fun to attach a picture of a scene in London that I take during my trip."
  10. "the flight time will be nice opportunities"

    • 誤: "opportunities" は複数形にする必要がない。
    • 修正案: "the flight will be a great opportunity."
  11. "Oh, I have to buy some sweets for the trip!"

    • 誤: 文脈からして、「sweets」という言葉が適切かは少し曖昧です。もし旅先でのお菓子の意味なら問題はないが、持ち込み用の軽食であれば「snacks」が適切。
    • 修正案: "Oh, I have to buy some snacks for the trip!"


The trip is coming up this week, and I’ve been getting more and more excited. As I mentioned yesterday, the preparation for the trip is almost complete. I’ll double-check what to pack and the places I plan to visit. Additionally, I need to consider how I’ll study during the trip, and I’d like to share my ideas.

First, ELSA, the pronunciation app, is easy to use even while traveling. I usually practice with this app for thirty minutes every day, so I’ll try to stick to the same amount or maybe a bit less.

Second, reading aloud is also practical even when I’m abroad. It usually takes me about an hour each day, and although it might be tough to do the same amount, it's important to keep practicing. I’ll do as much as I can while I’m in London.

Finally, I’ll be writing a diary in English during the trip. This practice has become something I really enjoy, as writing things down has been mentally beneficial for me. However, it will be challenging to write as much as usual since I’ll be using my smartphone instead of my PC. I think it’ll be fun to attach a picture of a scene in London that I take during the trip.

In conclusion, I won’t stop preparing for the test, even during my trip. Plus, the flight will be a great opportunity to review, as it takes about 17 hours! Oh, and I still need to buy some snacks for the trip!




1. インプットの質を高める

  • 英語の日常会話やナチュラルな文脈に触れる: ネイティブスピーカーが実際に使う英語に触れることが大切です。映画やドラマ、ポッドキャストYouTubeなどを活用し、幅広い話し方や表現に慣れることが効果的です。特に、同じテーマや日常的な場面でのフレーズに注目してみてください。
  • 読書: 小説やニュース記事、エッセイなどを読むことで、自然な文章の流れや語彙の使い方を学べます。特に自分がよく使うトピックについて書かれているものに触れると効果的です。

2. シャドーイングとディクテーション

  • ネイティブスピーカーの音声を聞き、それを即座に真似して話す「シャドーイング」を行うことで、自然なイントネーションやフレーズを体得できます。また、ディクテーション(音声を聞いて書き取る練習)も有効です。文章構成や単語の使い方に敏感になれます。

3. フィードバックを得る

  • ネイティブや英語教師に日記やライティングを定期的にチェックしてもらい、フィードバックをもらうのも大事です。少しずつ自分の表現の傾向や間違いのパターンに気づくことで、改善が進みます。

4. フレーズ集の活用

  • よく使う表現やフレーズを集めて自分なりにノートにまとめるのも効果的です。例えば、日常的な表現や旅行に関するフレーズ、書きたいテーマに特化した表現を覚えていくと、自然な表現を取り入れやすくなります。

5. 模倣する

  • 気に入った表現や構造を、意識的に自分の書き言葉や話し言葉に取り入れることが大事です。日記を書く際にも、インプットで学んだ自然なフレーズを使ってみると良いでしょう。


