

Disposition of Unnecessary Stuff

As I wrote previously, cleaning my room is inevitable and imperative for now. After a few days working, some progress made, resulting in throwing out several goods.

Nowadays large size of furniture used no longer need permission to throw away. Besides, some fees are needed. Therefore I searched on Google for disposition companies. There are so many companies that I had no idea which to pick up. As it's a waste time to worry which company to use, I picked up a company instincly.

Due to the page of the company, the cost would be around 5,500 yen. My prediction said that even though the page states affordable prices, some extra would cost. In that sense, the cost will be aroud 10,000 yen, I thought.

Today the menbers of the company came home and estimated. To my surprise, the cost was about 55,000 yen because the municipal disposal fees became higher from this January.  Simply I amazed, but no other ways are left. If so, it will take time.

Unfamiliar events often take time and costs a lot. This is the lesson for this time.

(20min, 1032words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation







  • cleaning my room is inevitable and imperative for now

    • "Inevitable"と"imperative"の重複
    • "For now"は"now"だけで十分
    • 推奨:Cleaning my room is a necessity right now
  • After a few days working, some progress made, resulting in throwing out several goods

    • "made"の前に"was"が必要
    • "goods"は一般的に「商品」を意味するので、ここでは"items"の方が適切
    • 推奨:After a few days of working, some progress was made, resulting in throwing out several items.
  • Nowadays large size of furniture used no longer need permission to throw away

    • "Large size of furniture"は"large-sized furniture"または"large pieces of furniture"が適切
    • "used no longer need"は"no longer need permission"に変更
    • 推奨:Nowadays, large pieces of furniture no longer need permission to be thrown away.
  • Besides, some fees are needed

    • "Besides"は文脈上不適切であり、"However"または"Additionally"が適切
    • "fees are needed"は"fees are required"の方が自然
    • 推奨:However, some fees are required.
  • Therefore I searched on Google for disposition companies

    • "Disposition companies"は不自然で、"disposal companies"が適切
    • 推奨:Therefore, I searched on Google for disposal companies.
  • I had no idea which to pick up

    • "Pick up"は"pick"が適切
    • 推奨:I had no idea which one to pick.
  • it's a waste time to worry which company to use

    • "waste time"は"waste of time"
    • "worry which company"は"worry about which company"
    • 推奨:it’s a waste of time to worry about which company to use
  • I picked up a company instinctly

    • "instinctly"は"instinctively"
    • 推奨:I picked a company instinctively.
  • Due to the page of the company, the cost would be around 5,500 yen

    • "Due to the page of the company"は不自然、"According to the company's website"が適切
    • 推奨:According to the company's website, the cost would be around 5,500 yen.
  • My prediction said that even though the page states affordable prices, some extra would cost

    • "some extra would cost"は不自然、"some extra costs would be added"が適切
    • 推奨:I predicted that even though the page states affordable prices, some extra costs would be added.
  • In that sense, the cost will be around 10,000 yen, I thought

    • "In that sense"は文脈に合わない、"Therefore"が適切
    • 推奨:Therefore, I thought the cost would be around 10,000 yen.
  • Today the members of the company came home and estimated

    • "members of the company"は"the company staff"が適切
    • "came home"は"came to my home"が適切
    • 推奨:Today, the company staff came to my home and gave an estimate.
  • To my surprise, the cost was about 55,000 yen because the municipal disposal fees became higher from this January

    • "became higher from this January"は"have increased since January"が適切
    • 推奨:To my surprise, the cost was about 55,000 yen because the municipal disposal fees have increased since January.
  • Simply I amazed, but no other ways are left. If so, it will take time

    • "Simply I amazed"は"Simply, I was amazed"
    • "no other ways are left"は"there were no other options"
    • "If so, it will take time"は文脈に合わない
    • 推奨:Simply, I was amazed, but there were no other options. Therefore, it will take some time.
  • Unfamiliar events often take time and costs a lot

    • "costs a lot"は"cost a lot"
    • 推奨:Unfamiliar events often take time and cost a lot.


As I wrote previously, cleaning my room is a necessity right now. After a few days of working, some progress was made, resulting in throwing out several items.

Nowadays, large pieces of furniture still need permission to be thrown away.However, some fees are required. Therefore, I searched on Google for disposal companies. There were so many companies that I had no idea which one to pick. Since it’s a waste of time to worry about which company to use, I picked a company instinctively.

According to the company's website, the cost would be around 5,500 yen. I predicted that even though the page states affordable prices, some extra costs would be added. Therefore, I thought the cost would be around 10,000 yen.

Today, the company staff came to my home and gave an estimate. To my surprise, the cost was about 55,000 yen because the municipal disposal fees have increased since January. Simply, I was amazed, but there were no other options. Therefore, it will take some time.

Unfamiliar events often take time and cost a lot. This is the lesson for this time.












