


In my daily life, I try not to drink as much as I can because the quality of sleep gets worse when I drink. That said, I sometimes lose my temptation to drink, especially after spending dense moments. In fact I did drink last night, which ended up feeling a slight fatigue this morning.

Once I get this kind of situation, it's hard to keep concentrations. From time to time I feel sleepy, which is one reason to lose concentrations. Finally, I took a nap after lunch. It seems I felt recoverd compared to this morning.Energy is quite crucial because it drives me to tackle various things such as studying hard, pondering and making a bunch of plans.

Without alchohol, life would be boring. Sometimes I need to forget my life for a while by having liquars. At the same time, drinking could lead to a decline in quality of life. The things lie in the balance between relaxing and concentrating.

Anyway sleeping well is a basic part to lead a healthy life. Some say that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Also, to say is easy, but to do is difficult. However, I strongly feel how important my health should be to achieve my goals once again.


<日本語訳>by Google Translation








  1. "try not to drink as much as I can"

    • 誤り: "as much as I can" は意味的に「できるだけ多く飲むのを避ける」という意味に誤解される可能性がある。
    • 修正: "try to avoid drinking as much as possible"(「できるだけ飲まないようにする」)
  2. "lose my temptation to drink"

    • 誤り: "lose my temptation" は自然ではない表現。"give in to temptation" の方が自然。
    • 修正: "give in to the temptation to drink"(「飲みたい誘惑に負ける」)
  3. "spending dense moments"

    • 誤り: "dense moments" は不自然。文脈に合わせて、"intense moments" の方が適切。
    • 修正: "after intense moments"(「激しい時間を過ごした後で」)
  4. "which ended up feeling a slight fatigue this morning"

    • 誤り: "which ended up feeling" は不自然で文法的に誤り。"which resulted in" が適切。
    • 修正: "which resulted in slight fatigue this morning"(「その結果、今朝は少し疲れを感じた」)
  5. "keep concentrations"

    • 誤り: "concentrations" は複数形にする必要がなく、動詞 "keep" には "stay focused" の方が適切。
    • 修正: "stay focused"(「集中力を維持する」)
  6. "lose concentrations"

    • 誤り: 同様に "concentrations" は不必要に複数形。文脈に応じて "lose concentration" が適切。
    • 修正: "lose concentration"(「集中力を失う」)
  7. "felt recovered compared to this morning"

    • 誤り: "felt recovered" は "more refreshed" に置き換えるとより自然。
    • 修正: "felt more refreshed compared to this morning"(「今朝よりも元気になったように感じた」)
  8. "having liquors"

    • 誤り: "liquors" は特定のアルコール飲料を指すため、不自然。"a drink" が適切。
    • 修正: "having a drink"(「お酒を飲む」)
  9. "the things lie in the balance"

    • 誤り: "the things" は文脈に合わない。 "the key" がより適切。
    • 修正: "The key lies in balancing relaxation and focus"(「リラックスと集中のバランスが鍵」)
  10. "to say is easy, but to do is difficult"

    • 誤り: "to say" や "to do" は形式的すぎる。文脈により自然な表現に変更。
    • 修正: "saying is easy, but doing is difficult"(「言うのは簡単だが、実行するのは難しい」)



In my daily life, I try to avoid drinking as much as possible because my sleep quality worsens when I drink. That said, I sometimes give in to the temptation to drink, especially after intense moments. In fact, I drank last night, which resulted in slight fatigue this morning.

Once I’m in this kind of situation, it’s hard to stay focused. From time to time, I feel sleepy, which is one reason I lose concentration. Eventually, I took a nap after lunch. It seems I felt more refreshed compared to this morning. Energy is crucial because it drives me to tackle various things such as studying hard, reflecting, and making a bunch of plans.

Without alcohol, life would be boring. Sometimes, I need to escape from life for a while by having a drink. At the same time, drinking can lead to a decline in the quality of life. The key lies in balancing relaxation and focus.

Anyway, sleeping well is fundamental to leading a healthy life. Some say that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Also, saying is easy, but doing is difficult. However, I’m once again reminded of how important my health is to achieving my goals.


