

Autumn Has Suddenly Come

It has been cooler since the night of the previous Sunday. As many people had felt sick of the heat and the fact that summer didn't seem to come to an end, this sudden coolness is a bit surprise and a kind of upset.

Some claimed that they wanted to wear autumn clothes soon because they had still kept wearing summer clothes, but it's time for them to change their clothes. Also, in my house the airconditiner turned off during the night, contributing to reducing electric bills.

When autumn comes, it's more comfortable to go out. Therefore, I sometimes think of visiting some places with my special one, but I need to devote the preparation for the test in November. However, after the test, I will have more time to enjoy visiting various spots and having meal together.

"Seasons change and so can I. Hold on boy, no time to cry." This is the lyrics from one of my favorite songs of Dream Theater, called "A Change of Seasons". Every time the season changes, I always remember this line. I have no idea whether this song will be on the setlist of their new tour that will begin next month, because the duration of the song is 24 minitues long. Anyway, many people including me are welcoming the end of the summer and the inception of autumn.

(19min, 1249words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation

「季節が変わると私も変わる。待って、泣く時間はない」これは、ドリームシアターの私のお気に入りの曲「A Change of Seasons」の歌詞です。季節が変わるたびに、いつもこの歌詞を思い出します。この曲は演奏時間が24分もあるので、来月から始まる彼らの新しいツアーのセットリストにこの曲が入るかどうかは分かりません。いずれにせよ、私を含め多くの人が夏の終わりと秋の始まりを迎えています。


  1. "a bit surprise" → 正しくは "a bit surprising"(形容詞の "surprising" を使用する必要があります)。
  2. "a kind of upset" → "kind of upsetting" が自然です(「少し不安」を表現するためには形容詞を使います)。
  3. "Some claimed that they wanted to wear autumn clothes soon because they had still kept wearing summer clothes, but it's time for them to change their clothes."
    • "claimed" → "mentioned" や "said" の方が適切です。 "claimed" は強い主張を示す際に使われます。
    • "had still kept wearing" → "were still wearing"(過去の状態を説明する場合、"were still wearing" の方が自然です)。
    • "it's time for them to change their clothes" → "it’s time for them to switch to autumn clothes"(「衣替えをする」の意味がより明確になります)。
  4. "the air-conditioner turned off during the night" → "the air conditioner was turned off during the night" または "we turned off the air conditioner during the night"(受動態か、主語を明確にする)。
  5. "to reducing" → "to reduce"(不定詞の "to" の後には動詞の原形が続きます)。
  6. "devote the preparation" → "devote myself to preparing" または "dedicate time to preparing"("devote" は通常「〜を捧げる」という意味で、自分自身か時間を捧げる表現が必要です)。
  7. "having meal together" → "having meals together"("meals" が正しい形です)。
  8. "called "A Change of Seasons"" → "called "A Change of Seasons.""(曲名の引用符の後にピリオドが必要です)。
  9. "duration of the song is 24 minutes long" → "the song's duration is 24 minutes" または "the song lasts 24 minutes"("duration" と "long" は冗長です)。


It has been cooler since last Sunday night. Many people were tired of the heat and the seemingly endless summer, so this sudden coolness is a bit surprising and somewhat unsettling. Some people have mentioned that they want to start wearing autumn clothes soon, as they’ve still been wearing summer outfits. It’s time for them to switch to autumn attire. Also, at my house, we’ve been turning off the air conditioner during the night, which helps reduce our electricity bills.

When autumn arrives, it's more comfortable to go out. I sometimes think about visiting some places with my special someone, but I need to focus on preparing for the test in November. However, after the test, I’ll have more time to enjoy visiting various places and having meals together.

“Seasons change and so can I. Hold on, boy, no time to cry.” These are lyrics from one of my favorite Dream Theater songs, “A Change of Seasons.” Every time the season changes, I always remember this line. I’m not sure if this song will be on the setlist for their new tour that begins next month, as the song is 24 minutes long. Anyway, many people, including myself, are welcoming the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.



とかく涼しくなったのは歓迎すべきこと。ロンドンとの気温差で体がやられる懸念もあっただけに良いタイミングで気温が下がってくれた。しかし、夜はアツくなるだろう。Iron Maiden@大阪城ホールだから。Keep Metal!!