

Lessons Online

August has come.  As time goes by, time flies faster than ever.

Looking back to the last year, I was trying to the second attempt of the Eiken 1st grade. Though failed in the test in June, I knew which parts I should focus on. Therefore my PDCA cycle was so functional that it could bring about my passing the 1st stage of the test in October.

On the other hand, the 2nd stage is difficult to prepare for because there are so many information about the interview test that I could not choose which is the best way. Even though I launched the English coversation lesson online from September, my worries for the test would continue.

After three consective failures, there are several lessons I've learned. What I need is a bunch of mock tests and dairy conversations in English with foreign people. To meet these lessons, I have to apply for English lessons online again, but my decision has not yet made which one fits for me.

Anyway, the air conditioner in my room retrieved the original function, so I need to go on to the next stage.


<日本語訳>by Google ranslation







  1. "Looking back to the last year" → "Looking back at last year"

    • "Look back to" は未来を見返す場合に使われ、「過去を振り返る」は "Look back at" を使います。
  2. "trying to the second attempt" → "attempting the Eiken Grade 1 test for the second time"

    • "trying to the second attempt" は不自然な表現です。"attempting the test for the second time" の方が自然です。
  3. "Though failed in the test" → "Though I failed the test"

    • 主語が欠けているため、「I」を追加しました。
  4. "which parts I should focus on" → "which parts I needed to focus on"

    • 時制を統一するため、過去形にしました。
  5. "my PDCA cycle was so functional" → "my PDCA cycle was so effective"

    • "functional" は通常「機能的」な意味で使われますが、ここでは "effective"(効果的)が適切です。
  6. "bring about my passing" → "helped me pass"

    • "bring about my passing" は不自然です。"helped me pass" の方が自然です。
  7. "so many information" → "so much information"

    • "information" は不可算名詞なので "much" を使います。
  8. "worries for the test" → "worries about the test"

    • "worries for" より "worries about" の方が自然です。
  9. "there are several lessons I've learned" → "I have learned several lessons"

    • "there are several lessons I've learned" は冗長です。
  10. "dairy conversations" → "daily conversations"

    • "dairy" は乳製品に関連する語であり、"daily" が正しいです。
  11. "To meet these lessons" → "To address these lessons"

    • "meet lessons" は不自然な表現です。
  12. "my decision has not yet made" → "I haven't yet decided"

    • "my decision has not yet made" は文法的に間違っています。
  13. "fits for me" → "suits me best"

    • "fit for" より "suit" の方が適切です。
  14. "retrieved the original function" → "has regained its original function"

    • "retrieve" は通常「取り戻す」の意味ですが、ここでは "regain" の方が適切です。
  15. "go on to the next stage" → "move on to the next stage"

    • "go on to" より "move on to" の方が自然です。


August has come. As time goes by, time flies faster than ever.
Looking back at last year, I was attempting the Eiken Grade 1 test for the second time. Though I failed the test in June, I knew which parts I should focus on. Therefore, my PDCA cycle was so effective that it helped me pass the first stage of the test in October.
On the other hand, the second stage is difficult to prepare for because there is so much information about the interview test that I could not choose the best way to study. Even though I started taking online English conversation lessons in September, my worries about the test continued.
After three consecutive failures, I have learned several lessons. What I need is a bunch of mock tests and daily conversations in English with native speakers. To address these lessons, I have to apply for online English lessons again, but I haven't yet decided which one suits me best.
Anyway, the air conditioner in my room has regained its original function, so I need to move on to the next stage.


