

Dividing Leads to Your Way

When you tackle something you feel huge, it's one way to divide it. Suppose you eat an elphant. Probably you can't eat it with only one bite. You need to separate it into the amount you can consume. Like this, diving something into the details drives you to move forward.

Regarding with my preparation for the test, a tutor on Native Camp told me that I should try to come up with as many reasons for the topics as possible. To tell the truth, this preparation is on my list for the test, which I'm afarid I've never tried so far. As her way of explaing was so reliable, I decided to make my memo archive.

Considering the fact that I don't come up with the speech quickly, I thought this advise would be quite reasonable. Rather, I'm wondering why I haven't tried on this way so far. We can't take back our past, so what is crucial is how we should do from now on. More clearifaction of my preparation is super positive for me. So I will do it after I write this diary.

Have a nice day!! See you!!

(18min, 1002words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation



  1. "one way to divide it" → "one way is to divide it": 「それを分ける方法の一つ」ではなく「分けることが一つの方法」であるとした方が文脈的に自然です。
  2. "Suppose you eat an elephant." → "Suppose you are eating an elephant.": 条件設定の部分で、進行形の方が自然です。
  3. "separate it into the amount you can consume." → "separate it into portions you can consume.": 「ポーション(部分)」という言い方がより適切です。
  4. "diving something into the details drives you to move forward." → "dividing something into details helps you move forward.": "diving"は「潜る」という意味になるため、「分ける」を意味する"dividing"を使います。
  5. "Regarding with my preparation" → "Regarding my preparation": "regarding"の後に"with"は不要です。
  6. "come up with as many reasons for the topics" → "come up with as many reasons for each topic": "each"を加えることでより具体的になります。
  7. "to tell the truth" → "to be honest": 「正直に言うと」の意味では "to be honest" の方がより一般的です。
  8. "so reliable" → "so convincing": 説得力があるという意味では "convincing" が適切です。
  9. "I thought this advise would be quite reasonable." → "I thought this advice was quite reasonable.": "advise"は動詞、"advice"は名詞です。ここでは名詞が適切です。
  10. "I haven't tried on this way so far." → "I haven't tried this approach so far.": 「方法」という意味では"approach"が適切です。
  11. "how we should do from now on." → "what we should do from now on.": 「これから何をすべきか」という意味で"what"が自然です。
  12. "More clarification of my preparation is super positive for me." → "Clarifying my preparation is very beneficial for me.": 文全体をシンプルで自然な表現に変更しました。


When tackling something that feels overwhelming, one way is to break it down. Imagine you're eating an elephant; you probably can't finish it in one bite. You need to divide it into manageable portions. Similarly, breaking things down into smaller steps helps you move forward.

Regarding my test preparation, a tutor on Native Camp suggested that I try to come up with as many reasons as possible for each topic. To be honest, this approach has been on my to-do list for the test, but I haven't tried it yet. Her explanation was so convincing that I decided to start making a memo archive.

Considering that I struggle to come up with speech ideas quickly, I thought this advice was quite reasonable. In fact, I'm wondering why I haven't tried this approach until now. We can't change the past, so what matters most is what we do from this point onward. Clarifying my preparation process is very beneficial for me, so I'll start working on it right after writing this diary.

Have a great day! See you!





