

Shorter and Narrower

As I mentioned yesterday, I embarked on making as many reasons as posible for each topic, which found that it took more time that I imagined. I don't feel like coming to an end, but this must be necessary to achieve my goal.

What I need to do now is to change my daily routein. Some should be in shorter durations, and others need to be suspended. In other words, this is a matter of trade-offs which exist everywhere in your life. We know we have to accept this rule, but at the same time we tend to do anything we should do.

Recently I restarted a book called "Essentialism" where it states that people should accept trade-offs more deeply. I might forget the princple, so I will try to do a shorter, narrower, limited approach. As a result, this diary will be shorter one, but I don't care at all.

(13min, 804words)

<日本語訳>by Google Translation



  1. "which found that it took more time that I imagined."

    • 誤り: "which found"
    • 修正: "I found"
    • 誤り: "more time that I imagined"
    • 修正: "more time than I imagined"
  2. "I don't feel like coming to an end"

    • 誤り: "feel like coming to an end"
    • 修正: "feel like I am close to the end"
  3. "Some should be in shorter duration"

    • 誤り: "in shorter duration"
    • 修正: "shorter in duration" または "shortened"
  4. "this is a matter of trade-offs which exist everywhere in your life."

    • 誤り: "your life"
    • 修正: "our lives" (全体の文脈に合わせるため)
  5. "we tend to do anything we should do."

    • 誤り: "anything we should do"
    • 修正: "everything we think we should do"
  6. "Recently I restarted a book called 'Essentialism' where it states that..."

    • 誤り: "where it states"
    • 修正: "which states" または "that states"
  7. "so I will try to do a shorter, narrower, limited approach."

    • 誤り: "do a shorter, narrower, limited approach"
    • 修正: "take a shorter, narrower, and more limited approach"
  8. "this diary will be shorter one"

    • 誤り: "shorter one"
    • 修正: "a shorter one"


As I mentioned yesterday, I started creating as many reasons as possible for each topic, and I found that it took more time than I had imagined. I don't feel like I am close to the end, but this must be necessary to achieve my goal.

What I need to do now is change my daily routine. Some tasks should be shorter in duration, and others need to be suspended. In other words, this is a matter of trade-offs, which exist everywhere in our lives. We know we have to accept this rule, but at the same time, we tend to do everything we think we should do.

Recently, I restarted reading a book called Essentialism, which states that people should accept trade-offs more deeply. I might have forgotten this principle, so I will try to take a shorter, narrower, and more limited approach. As a result, this diary will be a shorter one, but I don't care at all.



