

The Market Crashes

The Japanese stock market crashed heavily at last Friday. The amount of market loss ranks in the second worst, but the ration of it was out of the 30th position.

Watching the stock market is one of my hobbies because of my investment that I started around 2007. Keeping watching the movemnet of the stock market reminds me of many events that happened all over the world. Some of them are here: the American financial crisis in 2008, the big earthquake and tsunami that struck East side of Japan in 2011, the UK referendum to laeve EU in 2016 and the COVID-19 pandemin in 2020.

Every time the market crashes, many investors falls into a grief due to their great losses. Ups and downs in the stock market are natural, but a sudden fall of stock prices indeed brings about fears for those in the market. Looking in the long term, however, the stock index price tends to keep going up in some markets.

It seems that we will see a severer situation tomorrow as the future trading indicates. Tomorrow might be the BLACKEST MONDAY that will be boyond the Black Monday in 1987. We will see what will happen.


<日本語訳>by Google Translation

今後の取引が示すように、明日はさらに厳しい状況になりそうです。明日は 1987 年のブラック マンデーを超える最もブラックな月曜日になるかもしれません。何が起こるか見てみましょう。
  1. at last Fridaylast Friday

    • "at"は不要。時を表す副詞句として「last Friday」と書くのが自然。
  2. The amount of market loss ranks in the second worstThe amount of market loss ranks as the second worst

    • "in"ではなく"as"が適切。
  3. but the ration of it was out of the 30th positionbut the ratio of it was outside the top 30

    • "ration"は"ratio"、また"out of the 30th position"は"outside the top 30"が自然。
  4. Watching the stock market is one of my hobbies because of my investment that I started around 2007Watching the stock market is one of my hobbies because I started investing around 2007

    • "my investment that I started around 2007"よりも簡潔に。
  5. Keeping watching the movement of the stock marketKeeping an eye on the stock market movements

    • "Keeping watching"は不自然。"Keeping an eye on"の方が自然。
  6. reminds me of many events that happened all over the worldreminds me of many global events

    • 簡潔に表現。
  7. Some of them are here: the American financial crisis in 2008Some of these events include: the American financial crisis in 2008

    • "Some of them are here"は不自然。"Some of these events include"の方が良い。
  8. struck East side of Japanstruck the east side of Japan

    • "East side"ではなく"the east side"。
  9. investors falls into a griefinvestors fall into grief

    • "investors"は複数形なので"fall"。"a grief"ではなく"grief"。
  10. brings about fears for those in the marketbrings about fear among those in the market

    • "fear"は不可算名詞。"among"の方が自然。
  11. Looking in the long term, however,In the long term, however,

    • "Looking in the long term"は冗長。"In the long term"で十分。
  12. we will see a severer situationwe will see a more severe situation

    • "severer"ではなく"more severe"。
  13. Tomorrow might be the BLACKEST MONDAY that will be beyond the Black Monday in 1987Tomorrow might be an even blacker Monday than the one in 1987

    • "the BLACKEST MONDAY"は強調しすぎ。"an even blacker Monday"が自然。
The Japanese stock market crashed heavily last Friday. The amount of market loss ranks as the second worst, but the ratio of it was outside the top 30.
Watching the stock market is one of my hobbies because I started investing around 2007. Keeping an eye on the stock market movements reminds me of many global events. Some of these events include: the American financial crisis in 2008, the big earthquake and tsunami that struck the east side of Japan in 2011, the UK referendum to leave the EU in 2016, and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Every time the market crashes, many investors fall into grief due to their great losses. Ups and downs in the stock market are natural, but a sudden fall in stock prices indeed brings about fear among those in the market. In the long term, however, the stock index price tends to keep going up in some markets.
It seems that we will see a more severe situation tomorrow as the futures trading indicates. Tomorrow might be an even blacker Monday than the one in 1987. We will see what will happen.